Developing effective de-escalation strategies to reduce risk and the need for restrictive practices.
5 Strategies for Meaningful De-Escalation

Developing effective de-escalation strategies to reduce risk and the need for restrictive practices.
How an individual’s body language can help us recognise early signs of dysregulation.
Blank Conflict Spiral template to map an individual’s experience after an incident, to inform future support.
Exploring what is meant by ‘de-escalation’ with strategies to defuse situations successfully.
Printable A3 mat with all Team Teach models and principles for trainers and Connect members.
How to make incisive decisions to de-escalate situations and offer timely, appropriate support.
Webinar Recording: Trainer Dave Smallwood explores transition points, the cumulative effect of experiences, and how to reduce risk.
Our downloadable poster is a helpful reminder of different stages of distress and ways to support an individual.