Developing effective de-escalation strategies to reduce risk and the need for restrictive practices.
5 Strategies for Meaningful De-Escalation

Developing effective de-escalation strategies to reduce risk and the need for restrictive practices.
6x downloadable display posters focusing on emotional regulation, wellbeing, inclusion, and belonging.
Exploring what is meant by ‘de-escalation’ with strategies to defuse situations successfully.
Join Clare and Dave as they discuss how to use sensory circuits and sensory breaks in schools.
Exploring the impact of the pandemic on children and young people’s self-regulation skills.
A helpful tool for identifying, describing, and understanding feelings, and creating personalised supports.
Simple strategies to challenge preconceptions about individuals that may create expected behaviour patterns.
Harness the power of body language to de-escalate and defuse potentially challenging situations and reduce risk.
Helpful strategies to encourage take-up time to reduce cognitive load and support processing skills.
How to design and use calm rooms and quiet spaces to promote self-regulation.
Prioritising the recovery stage for all parties to create positive outcomes for everyone.
Webinar Recording: Mica Coleman Jones shares practical ideas for setting up calm spaces and quiet rooms.