How Team Teach training supported the embedding of a values-based behaviour policy in a prestigious international school.
Success Stories: Huili School, Shanghai

How Team Teach training supported the embedding of a values-based behaviour policy in a prestigious international school.
In Part 1 of our New to Teaching eBook series, we look at different aspects of lesson management.
Accompanying resource pack for the Talking Behaviour episode: Creating Shared Understanding, with Lana and Corby from Huili School, Shanghai.
Join Jonathan Newport as he talks to Lana and Corby from Huili School, Shanghai about creating shared understanding in an international school.
An editable framework around behaviour to help schools prepare for inspection.
Identifying and understanding the function of a behaviour can help us decide on the best support.
An editable template for ECTs and mentors, to promote discussion around behaviour support.
An editable template to gather evidence around behaviour when preparing for inspection.
We should ask ourselves whether our systems help or hinder our approach to behaviour support.
Webinar Recording: Trainer Dave Smallwood explores transition points, the cumulative effect of experiences, and how to reduce risk.
A printable poster comparing different ways to think about and respond to behaviour.
This downloadable poster is a useful reminder of the Cycle of Influence model used in Team Teach training.
Our downloadable poster is a helpful reminder of different stages of distress and ways to support an individual.
Webinar Recording: Jonathan Newport and Nancy Hooper discuss dynamic risk assessment and approaches to thinking about behaviour.
Decide what is likely to happen next and opportunities to do things differently to de-escalate difficult situations.